Fluid Services
About Fluid

We distinguish ourselves from our competition with experience, passion and a complete portfolio of services to help your technology company fluidly and strategically move into new markets with a minimum amount of resources. 

Gain the Competitive Advantage

If the goal of your organization is to enhance your position in foreign markets or expand into new, rapidly developing economies

      -  Tap into Fluid International.

Our Specialties:

  • Commercialization planning and implementation road maps - highly strategic international marketing and sales for premium results.
  • Partnering strategy - get the right partners to maximize your market penetration and increase your speed to clients, from OEM to resellers.
  • Competitive intelligence analysis reports - know your competition to make informed decisions.

  • Strategic market sector analysis reports - determine potential international sector ROI to reduce your risk of entering poor sectors.

  • International IT contract guidelines - from end user to partnering, know what is normal and what isn't, as contracting norms can be viewed differently by different cultures.

  • Communication facilitators - fundamental international contacts critical for success.

  • Cultural liaison - for seamless international business relations.

Key Business Solutions:

  • Maximize your technology's speed to target markets - with strategic international commercialization.
  • Competitive reports - for informed strategic and innovative international sales and marketing.

  • Partnering strategy - analysis and plan for targeted implementation.

  • Optimization of international partner relations - including how to manage international end user accounts.

  • IT contracting - maximize international IT contracts and agreements and protect your intellectual property.

"We identify the most profitable customer segments to give your software company the best opportunities for fluid expansion to maximize prosperous, dynamic and strong relationships."

For more information contact: info@fluidinternational.com

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